How Managed Print Services can cut costs

When it comes to the purchase, care and maintenance for your in-office printers or copiers, it can be challenging to keep track internally of precisely what needs to be done to keep your systems running smoothly. But when it comes to office printing solutions, productivity isn’t the only factor – there’s also the budget to consider, and one of the best ways you can cut costs quickly is by utilising mps services.

Considering utilising managed print services for your business and cutting your costs in the process? Here are just a few of the reasons why that might be a great idea:

Newer technology with better value

Unlike older printers or printer/copiers, there’s no doubt that newer models are more effective, easier to use and overall provide better value for money when it comes to consumables such as ink. By choosing a managed print solution, you can have greater choice when it comes to finding the print technology that will meet your needs, and access a higher quality of printer that might otherwise be unavailable to your business.

This is ideal for smaller businesses or those with specialist printing needs, ensuring they have access to the printer they need without paying extortionate amounts. Whether it’s a need for a specific type of ink or a machine that prints in a particular size, having access to a broader range of print technology ensures your business needs are met while saving you money.

Newer printers often include inbuilt money-saving technology, from using less ink per page to requiring less maintenance or even simply not requiring training or time to learn how to use the machine. From cloud printing to easy copying, anything that makes your job easier and more effective can save you money in the long run.

No unexpected fees
There’s no doubt that when you need technology the most is the time when you just can’t get it to work – and even the best office printing solutions in the world need regular maintenance and care to ensure they run at their best and exceed your expectations in the long term. With a purchased printer, when the worst occurs, it’s likely you’ll have to take a significant dent out of your budget to resolve those problems – but with a managed print service, those costs just aren’t there.

When you choose to use managed print solutions, the support and care of your printer are included within the cost of the service itself; so your printer will be kept in the best possible condition thanks to regular maintenance and services, as well as help and support as and when you need it. Whether it’s just a simple phone call to get information about a feature or an engineer call-out to fix a fault, with mps services that cost is covered.

Not only does this ensure you’re covered in a bind, but it also provides you with the full cost for your printer throughout the year, with no surprises or sudden fees that can leave you in a bind. A must for any modern business, utilising a managed print service is worth more than just the cost of the printer.

Print consciously
A print management service can do far more than just provide you with a machine that does all you need it to. By making use of a system in which a support and management service is in place you can also encourage using print technology more consciously. With ASL providing a unique dashboard from which you can get a clear, concise overview and understanding of your print usage – giving you a better idea of what’s necessary when it comes to your print habits and what isn’t under control.

Many offices are striving to become as green as possible, and that includes the reduction of printed documents. Not only does this promote a more eco-friendly working environment, but it also saves the costs of consumables from ink to paper and more. For most offices, printing will always be a must – but choosing a managed print service with accurate monitoring of your printer use can help you to cut costs and reduce waste in the average office quickly and painlessly.

A proper print strategy can be a huge help when it comes to understanding what’s needed for your office and what’s superfluous when it comes to your printer use. An excellent mps service can help you bridge that gap to higher savings and a system that works perfectly for your business.

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